Friday, April 25, 2008

Make Hajj As If You Know You're Dying


Part of the preparation for hajj is to think of it as the last thing one may ever do in this life. There is no time left to hold grudges, to fill sorry for oneself, to complain about things undone or whine about how much is left to do. Preparing for hajj means reflecting on one's life, making amends where possible. It is time to begin to ask for forgiveness and to express gratitude to Allah.

Imagine having cancer and knowing it has metastasised, or spread, before you make hajj. This blog copies the letter of a Muslimah who had already had breast and brain surgery. Allah blessed her to remain symptom-free (of the end stages) until she left the U.S. on the first leg of her journey to Mecca. Her letter is full of such joy! She died shortly after returning home, may Allah grant her Paradise.

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