This is the true story of Habib Miyan that comes from BBC News and was told over a period of 9 months. It is a story of patience, charity, and Allah's reward. It is a story of patience because Habib Miyan waited over a hundred years before Allah answered his dua to make hajj.
It began as a human interest story. Many people read it and simply moved on to the next item. Yet it is a story of charity because for a few, Habib Miyan became an opportunity from Allah to seek His Blessings.
Finally, it is a story of Allah's reward for Habib Miyan, whose prayer to make hajj was finally fulfilled. Allah knows best the reward He has in store for the Muslims who made contributed money and any other manner of assistance to make this story--this lesson for all of us--possible.
Follow the story here, here, and here. The photo gallery is here.
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